Andrew Tran


min read

Sustainable Future: Eco-Innovation and Purpose-Driven Profit

Warren Jonas

CEO & Co-Founder Wild & Stone Limited

Key Themes
  1. Wild & Stone's focus on sustainable, organic products provides eco-friendly alternatives that empower individuals to make environmentally conscious choices, contributing to a more sustainable and greener future for everyone.

  2. Warren Jonas's willingness to seek advice, embrace diverse perspectives, and learn from failures fosters a collaborative and growth-oriented approach, driving continuous improvement in his sustainable business endeavors.

  3. By combining his passion for eco-conscious solutions with practical business strategies, Jonas demonstrates the significance of balancing purpose and profit, creating businesses that contribute positively to the world while ensuring long-term stability and success.

Creating a Sustainable World from a Sustainable Business

In today's world, where environmental concerns are more pressing than ever, ecopreneurs who take the initiative to create positive change hold a special place. One such ecopreneur is Warren Jonas, a former corporate professional who decided to move into the world of entrepreneurship to address the problem of single-use plastics. To address this problem, he developed Wild & Stone, a company that makes quality eco-friendly products.

"We were in the bathroom brushing our kids' teeth, and we were like, you know, there was a lot going on in the world. The weather was crazy. And we were looking at each other thinking, do you know what, plastic in the home is such a problem, and we're part of the problem."

Jonas' simple vision to reduce the environmental impact of single-use plastics has made an impact on the world. With a steadfast focus on organic materials and eco-friendly manufacturing, Wild & Stone now offers an impressive collection of over 100 sustainable products manufactured with organic materials. From the original toothbrushes to household items, these products have found a global audience of people embracing a greener lifestyle. For those concerned about climate change, Wild & Stone provides sustainable alternatives that empower individuals to make environmentally conscious choices.

Over 300 million tons of plastic are produced every year, half of which are single-use plastics that are thrown away, like the toothbrushes that inspired Jonas to start Wild & Stone (Vasarhelyi, 2021). These plastics don't harmlessly dissolve into the environment; they recursively break down into smaller pieces that spread into the environment. These microplastics can travel long distances and even be found in the marine life and mammals we eat (Nicole, 2021). Through this environmental spread, which makes its way up the food chain, microplastics end up in almost all of our bodies.

Avoidable. Image by: aryfahmed -

In an age of fast-paced consumerism that has led to the creation of so many single-use products, Warren Jonas takes a refreshingly slow and meticulous approach to product development. Each product goes through several stages, from the initial idea and concept to design, prototyping, manufacturing, logistics, and finally, entry into the market. This dedication to quality ensures that every product that bears the Wild & Stone name is a testament to sustainability and functionality.

"We connected to a group that helps us work with different factories so we can have a longer chain. We can diversify manufacturing if required. And then, we went through multiple suppliers within the Indian market ... We found a really amazing supplier who has the right eco-credentials, ethos, and sustainability elements that we feel are important."

Jonas highly values local expertise, as they are key to maintaining flexibility and achieving higher standards. On his quest to produce a unique coffee cup, Jonas' initial manufacturer copied a competitor's design. As uniqueness and quality were core values, a half-baked product would not do. That product was crossed off, and the team went to work on identifying the next single-use item in the home that could be replaced with an eco-lux item. With options to choose from, Jonas found one that aligned with his eco-friendly values. Now, with his local partners, they were able to expand their product range, enabling them to produce different offerings at high speed.

A Journey of Collaborative Growth

In addition to founding Wild & Stone, Jonas leads two other businesses: a property management group and a consultancy business. This diverse range of ventures allows him to not only contribute to environmental sustainability but also to explore different avenues for growth and innovation. Like any successful entrepreneur, Warren Jonas acknowledges that failures are an integral part of the learning process.

"Don't fear asking for help. Don't fear asking someone for a perspective, because I think actually you might have plan A, someone else has plan B, and then when you merge them together, you just get a much better plan or thought pattern of what to do. So actively seek advice and criticism to help you."

Instead of dwelling on short-term losses, he embraces setbacks as valuable opportunities to evolve his business strategies. Failures are an uncomfortable reminder that our mental model of the world is inaccurate; rather than stubbornly refusing to adapt, Jonas accepts these opportunities to refine his ideas and approaches. In a world that often promotes individual innovation, sometimes people must learn to accept others' advice. Collaborating with others unlocks the capacity to synthesize different ideas, which may become more efficient and well-rounded solutions. As much as consulting is teaching others, Jonas opens himself to learn from these different experiences. This growth mindset and wide range of experiences have been instrumental in steering Wild & Stone toward continuous improvement and success.

"Gambo is Gandhi and Rambo together, Gambo in the middle. I'm more Gambo nowadays than I think I would have been known as Rambo back in the past."

Young entrepreneurs are often willing to make more aggressive business maneuvers, which usually fades as people age. As Jonas develops his businesses, he still embraces this rambunctious attitude, but has balanced his life sustainably. This long-term stability is created from a property business, which acts as retirement funds, and his family, which likely guides his decisions. His other two businesses, Wild & Stone, and his consulting business are targeted at helping the posterity of the world. Needless to say, the reusable products contribute to a more sustainable and pleasant world. On the other hand, the consulting business is more personal to him, acting as a fulfilling cycle of helping others and dealing with complex experiences.


As Warren Jonas expands his eco-friendly business and makes strides in his efforts to combat single-use plastics, his willingness to seek advice and different viewpoints will lead to the development of more impactful and thoughtful products. Each product designed with organic materials and manufactured with a focus on eco-friendliness leaves a smaller environmental footprint, contributing to the preservation of our planet for future generations. With his dedication to seeking advice, learning from failures, and collaborating with like-minded partners, Warren's impact reaches far beyond the boundaries of his business, inspiring a global movement towards a more sustainable and prosperous world for all. As more people embrace the eco-conscious choices offered by Wild & Stone, they actively contribute to the preservation of the planet and ensure a brighter, greener future for generations to come.

Desired. Image by: ohishiftl -


Nicole, W. (2021, March 17). Microplastics in seafood: How much are people eating?. Environmental Health Perspectives.

Vasarhelyi, K. (2021, February 25). The climate impact of Single Use Plastics. Environmental Center.